Products - nutritional supplements

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Aplomar is a nutritional supplement for weight loss

Aplomar slimming bags

Its components:

Aplomar product contains:

Wheat bran: Its most important function is to suppress the feeling of hunger and enhance the feeling of fullness for the longest possible period.
-Selenium seeds: They have a role in reducing the percentage of fat in the body and maintaining the BMI index within the normal range.
-Chromium: It has a role in metabolism, increases lean body mass, and reduces the percentage of fat in the body. Which leads to weight loss in humans
Oats: Rich in nutrients such as magnesium, zinc, and fibre. It can help lower cholesterol and lose weight. It also improves the health of the intestines
-Vitamin C: People who are depleted of vitamin C suffer from greater resistance to losing fat mass compared to those who are sufficient in vitamin C, as they have lower BMIs than others.

Benefits and features of the Aplomar product for weight loss

Aplomar for weight loss has many features and benefits, including:

Rich in vitamin C.
Protects against high blood sugar.
Suppresses the feeling of hunger for long periods.
Resists the acquisition of new body fat.
It plays a role in lowering cholesterol levels.
Reaching a normal BMI in the body.
Supports metabolism and fat loss.
A triple power of fiber helps fill the stomach and creates a feeling of satiety.

Mechanism of action of Aplomar for weight loss

Iplomar works through three different mechanisms:

It breaks down starches and converts them into energy.
Increases the rate of burning fat in the body.
It works to break down fat in difficult places.

Recommended dose: Empty the contents of the sachet into one cup of water, once daily before lunch

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